Jorn D. Steen
Jorn was born in 1993 in the small village of Marrum, Friesland, The Netherlands.
He obtained his MSc Chemistry degree at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. His research project, under the guidance of Prof. Wesley R. Browne, focused on the synthesis of electrochemically polymerisable photo- and redox-active compounds, as well as the deposition of these compounds onto electrodes as functional thin films and their characterisation by various spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques.
Jorn then continued enjoying research in the Browne group and obtained his PhD in 2022 on redox and pH-induced molecular switching in solution and on surfaces – including a new and exciting redox-switchable spiropyran – as well as ventures into the influence of electrochemical measurements on the pH near electrode surfaces, and, for something completely different, manganese-catalysed oxidation catalysis.
Currently, Jorn is a Wenner–Gren postdoctoral research fellow at Uppsala Universitet in the group of Dr. Stefano Crespi, where he is able to satisfy his curiosity towards excited and redox state reactivity of organic compounds using a mix of experimental and computational methods.
Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala (SE)
Postdoctoral researcher, Ångströmlaboratoriet, Department of Chemistry
Feb 2023 –
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen (NL)
PhD in Chemistry with Wesley R. Browne, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
2017 – 2022